That Venus Williams, she’s a strong one, ain’t she? But even the strongest folks get the aches and pains. Heard she got that tennis elbow thing. How did she get tennis elbow? Lord knows how these things happen, but I reckon it’s from all that swingin’ of the tennis racket.

She was playin’ tennis since she was just a little thing. Her daddy, he taught her and her sister. They used books and them videos, you know, the ones on the TV. Started when she was just three, out in California. That’s a long time to be swingin’ a racket. Tennis elbow must be from all the playing.
I heard that tennis, it ain’t easy on the body. Got to use all sorts of muscles, specially in your arm and shoulder. And if you do it too much, well, somethin’s bound to give. They say it’s the tendons, all swollen and achy. Sounds awful. Like when I worked too much in the field and my back would give out. Same kind of thing, I suppose. Just a different part of the body.
Venus, she got that tennis elbow back in 2010. Right in her right elbow. Had to play through that pain, I imagine. Tough gal. But it makes sense. That’s her swingin’ arm, right? Takes all the force of hittin’ that little ball. Over and over. Must be tiring. She played too much, got the tennis elbow.
And then in 2017, that elbow kept her out of some big game. The French one, they call it. That’s gotta hurt more than just the elbow, not being able to play when you’re that good. It’s like not being able to harvest when the crops are ready. Just gotta sit and watch. Frustrating!
I seen a video of her talkin’ ’bout it. She was givin’ advice on how to help with that tennis elbow. Seems like even famous folks get the same problems as us regular people. And she went to doctors, and sometimes they couldn’t even find nothin’ wrong! Can you believe it? Doctors ain’t always know everything, I tell ya.

Now, how do they fix this tennis elbow? Well, they got all sorts of things. Ice, like when you sprain your ankle. And pills to take down the swelling. And rubbin’ the sore muscles, that always helps. They even got somethin’ called “ultrasound therapy.” Sounds fancy, but who knows if it works. Probably just like wavin’ a magic wand, if you ask me.
They say them physical therapists, they know a thing or two. They tell you to make your muscles stronger. Shoulder, upper arm, even your belly muscles. Guess it all works together to keep your elbow from hurtin’. Makes sense. Stronger muscles, less chance of gettin’ hurt. Tennis elbow is a big problem for players.
So, that’s what I heard about Venus Williams and her tennis elbow. She’s a tough one, that’s for sure. But even the toughest folks can get hurt when they do somethin’ too much. Just gotta rest and take care of yourself, I reckon. And maybe listen to them physical therapists. They might know a thing or two, even if their fancy machines sound like a bunch of hocus pocus. I hope she get better and will not get tennis elbow again.
What causes tennis elbow?
Swinging that racket too much, that’s what! It makes the tendons in your elbow all mad and swollen.
How to fix tennis elbow?
Ice, pills, rubbing the muscles. And some fancy machine thing called “ultrasound.”
What did the physical therapists say?
Make your shoulder, arm, and belly muscles stronger. It all helps.
Did Venus play with tennis elbow?
She did! Back in 2010. Tough lady. But it kept her out of a big game in 2017.
Did doctors find nothing wrong with her?
Yes, sometimes they find nothing! Even doctors don’t know everything!
That’s all about Venus Williams and how she got her tennis elbow. Hope you learned something new! Remember to not play too much, and always warm up first!