Well, this is about that AJ Brown fella, I hear he got hurt. My grandson, he’s always going on about football. Eagles this, Eagles that. I don’t know much, but I hear things.

AJ Brown Injury
That AJ Brown, he’s a strong boy, plays for the Eagles. I think they call him a wide receiver? Sounds fancy. But even the strong ones get hurt sometimes. They say he got a knee injury. Knees are tricky things. I know a thing or two about bad knees, let me tell you.
They run around so much, those football players. Bound to happen, I suppose. He’s gonna be okay. I hear the doctors and such checked him out.
- AJ Brown Injury Update: He hurt his knee.
- They did some fancy test, an MRI I think they call it.
- Said he’d be “day to day”. Whatever that means.
He was back at practice. Good for him! Young folks heal fast. Not like us old folks.
Eagles Wide Receiver AJ Brown
He’s important to that Eagles team, that AJ Brown. They say he’s good at catching the ball. My grandson says he’s the best. Kids and their heroes.
He plays against the Commanders, that’s another team. He said, “I’m playing”. Stubborn, these young’uns. But I guess that’s what makes ’em good at what they do.

They say this AJ Brown injury won’t stop him. Good. He seems like a nice boy. Works hard.
AJ Brown and the Eagles
This year, 2024 it is, he signed some paper. Means he’ll play for the Eagles for a long time. Lots of money, they say. More money than I’ve ever seen.
He played a game, against the Packers. Did good, they say. Caught the ball a lot. Even got a touchdown. My grandson was real excited about that.
Then he got hurt. His hamstring. Another tricky part of the body. Missed some games. But he’s back now.
AJ Brown’s Ankle Injury
Now I hear he hurt his ankle too. These football players and their injuries. I recall they talked about this hip-drop tackle thing, what caused his ankle injury, that sounds unpleasant. My old bones ache just thinking about it.

He says his ankle is fine now. They were playing the Steelers, I think that’s a team from somewhere else. He’s a tough one, that AJ Brown. He says it’s okay now after that hip-drop thing.
- He got hurt again, his ankle this time.
- It was that hip-drop tackle, they say.
- Says he’s fine now. Good for him.
AJ Brown and His Friend
He’s got a friend, another player. They’re real close. That friend is even the godfather to AJ Brown‘s little girl. That’s sweet.
But someone said things have changed between them. I don’t know about that. People talk. It’s none of my business, anyway.
AJ Brown, he’s a good player. Got hurt, but he’ll be alright. That’s all that matters. He’ll be back on the field, catching that ball. My grandson will be happy about that.
Hope that AJ Brown injury doesn’t keep him out too long. People like watching him play. He sure seems like a tough cookie, playing through all those aches and pains. These young folks, they’re something else.

AJ Brown 2024 Season
This AJ Brown fella, he’s gonna be playing for the Eagles for a good long while, they say. Signed a big contract, lots of money involved. They must really like him to pay him all that. Good for him, I suppose. He seems like a hard worker.
He started off this year pretty good, even with all the talk about his knee. Scored a touchdown in the first game against the Packers, I heard. That’s always good news. Fans love those touchdowns.
But then that hamstring issue came up. Those things can be real bothersome. You gotta rest to let them heal up right. He missed a few games because of it. Hope he took the time he needed to get better. Don’t want to rush back too soon and make things worse.
He’s a tough one, that AJ Brown. Good player for the Eagles. Hope he stays healthy. That’s the most important thing.