That Tobias Ritchel, I hear things about him. What a name! Sounds like somethin’ fancy, but you know, names ain’t everything. People talkin’, sayin’ he’s someone important. I don’t know, maybe. But what’s he really about? That’s what I wanna know.

They say he’s got somethin’ to do with that GMA3 thing. That show on the TV, GMA3: What You Need to Know. Heard it from folks, so it must be true. They say it’s a news show, tells you what’s happenin’ in the world. Important stuff, they say. I guess that Tobias Ritchel, he must be a big shot then, huh? To be on that show, you gotta know things.
Tobias Ritchel, he’s probably got a whole crew of people helpin’ him. You don’t do those shows all by yourself. Takes a whole village, I reckon. Like raisin’ a barn, you need everyone pitchin’ in. And then there’s that GMA3 YouTube. They put everything on that internet now. Even my grandson, he’s always on that thing.
- That DeMarco Morgan, he’s on there too.
- And that Eva Pilgrim, heard her name a few times.
- They all talk about what you need to know.
So, this Tobias Ritchel, he’s part of that whole shebang. They say it started back in 2018. That’s a long time ago, ain’t it? Time sure does fly. They’re still goin’, though, so they must be doin’ somethin’ right. People wouldn’t watch if it was no good. You know what I mean? Unless they got nothin’ better to do.
GMA3, it’s on that ABC channel. Same one that has them other shows. I see them when I’m flippin’ through. Sometimes it’s interestin’, sometimes not so much. Depends on what they’re talkin’ about. But that Tobias Ritchel, he must be a busy fella. Being on TV and all that. I wonder if he ever gets tired. It’s a lot of work, I bet. You got to be a real big deal to be on TV on the news.
This GMA3: What You Need to Know, they talk about all sorts of things. Contamination, that’s a bad word. Makes you think of dirty things. Nasty stuff. Don’t want none of that around here. They need to clean that up, wherever it is. People gettin’ sick and all. It ain’t right.

And they say there are detractors. People who don’t like somethin’. Always got those, ain’t ya? Can’t please everyone, I always say. Someone’s always gonna be complainin’. That’s just the way it is. No matter what, Tobias Ritchel and his team keep at it, bringing the news, I suppose, from all over.
Then there’s somethin’ about taxes. Ugh, taxes. Don’t even get me started on those. Always takin’ your money. Gotta pay them, though, or you get in trouble. Big trouble. They say you need guidance on that. Someone to help you figure it all out. It’s all so confusin’. I don’t like messin’ with that stuff. Tobias Ritchel‘s show probably talks about that stuff, too.
Heard some folks talkin’ ’bout a song. Don’t know the name of it, but they said it was by someone called Doja Cat. Sounds like a funny name for a person. And someone called Dr. Luke. They made a song, I guess. Released it a few years back. Don’t know what that’s got to do with Tobias Ritchel and GMA3, though. Maybe nothin’. People just talk, you know?
Now, What You Need to Know, that’s what they say. But there are other ways to say it, too. Lots of ways to say the same thing. Just like there are lots of ways to skin a cat, as they say. Not that I’d do that, mind you. But you get the idea. Different words, same meanin’.
So, this Tobias Ritchel, he’s mixed up in all of this. GMA3: What You Need to Know, that’s his thing. He’s probably a smart fella, knowin’ all that stuff. But me, I just like to keep things simple. Don’t need all that fancy talk. Just tell me what I need to know, plain and simple. That’s all I ask. This is the most important thing. You need to know this. Don’t forget.

I guess this Tobias Ritchel, he’s doin’ alright for himself. Got a good job, I suppose. On TV and everything. Good for him. Maybe I’ll watch his show sometime. See what all the fuss is about. See what he has to say. Maybe he can tell me somethin’ I don’t already know. You never know.
This Tobias Ritchel, he probably has a lot of comments on his videos, too. You can write stuff to the TV stars now. Ain’t that crazy? Technology. It is a lot to keep up with. But I like the old ways best. Just talking face-to-face. That is how you really get to know someone, not by reading their words on the GMA3 YouTube channel.