Well, well, well, look what we got here, news about that Djokovic fella. That young whippersnapper, always running around, hitting that little ball. He’s a big shot now, that Djokovic, they say he’s number one. Number one at what, I don’t know, chasing a ball? Seems silly to me, but what do I know? I just know he’s all over the news, this Djokovic.

They say he’s won a whole bunch of those big games, those “Grand Slams.” Sounds like a card game to me. Twenty-four, they say! Twenty-four Grand Slams! Can you believe it? My old bones can barely make it to the outhouse 24 times a day, let alone win 24 of anything. But this Djokovic, he’s something else, I guess. You know, this Djokovic news is everywhere!
Heard he ain’t playing in some big game in Paris. Paris! Fancy, huh? Too fancy for me. Give me my little garden any day. This Djokovic, he’s probably tired. Running around like a chicken with its head cut off, all that traveling. They say he ain’t “physically or mentally ready.” Well, who would be, flying all over the place? I get tired just walking to the mailbox. Maybe all that Djokovic news is getting to him.
And get this, they say he’s got some other fella, another one of those ball-hitters, named Andy Murray, to be his coach! Coach! Like he needs someone to tell him how to hit a ball. These young folks, always needing someone to tell them what to do. I heard this is for some big game down in Australia. Australia! Another fancy place. They say this Djokovic wants to win his eleventh title in Melbourne. Sounds like a lot of work for a little ball.
This Djokovic, he eats funny, too. No meat, no fish, nothing good! Just plants. Like a rabbit! And something called “gluten-free.” What in the world is gluten? Sounds like something you’d use to glue your shoes together. He don’t eat that, either. All that runnin’ around, and he eats like a bird. No wonder he need a break, that is important Djokovic news for everyone. I need my meat and potatoes to keep my strength up, even if I’m just sitting on the porch.
- They say Djokovic is number one in the world.
- He won 24 of those “Grand Slam” things.
- He pulled out from some game in Paris.
- He is going to have Andy Murray as a coach.
- Djokovic only eats plants and no gluten.
He was in a few events last week, this Djokovic. Always busy, that one. Running here, running there. I don’t know how he does it. I prefer a nice cup of tea and a good sit-down. But these young people, they’re always on the go. It’s all over the place, this Djokovic news.

They got all these fancy words for what he does, “tournament schedule,” “match reports.” Sounds like a bunch of hooey to me. Just hit the ball over the net, that’s all it is. But they make it sound so complicated. This Djokovic, he’s probably got a whole team of people telling him what to do, what to eat, where to go. Too much fuss if you ask me.
I remember back in my day, we didn’t have all these fancy sports. We just played outside, made up our own games. We didn’t need no fancy equipment or coaches. We sure didn’t have no Djokovic news! Just good old-fashioned fun. Maybe that’s what this Djokovic needs, a little bit of good old-fashioned fun. Take a break from all the running and the hitting and the gluten-free plants.
Well, I guess that’s all the news about that Djokovic fella. He’s a busy boy, that’s for sure. Always in the news, always doing something. Me, I’m gonna go have another cup of tea and watch the world go by. That’s enough excitement for me. And I’ll keep an eye out for any more Djokovic news. You never know what that young whippersnapper will be up to next!