Well, let me tell ya, if you wanna plant deep within, you gotta know what you’re plantin’ and where you’re plantin’ it. It ain’t just throwin’ seeds in the ground and hopin’ for the best. Nope, you gotta put some thought into it, like puttin’ on your Sunday best for church.

First off, you gotta figure out what kinda dirt you got. Is it that sticky clay that holds water like a miser holdin’ onto his pennies? Or is it sandy like that beach down by the old mill? Some plants like that clay, some like that sand. You gotta match ’em up, see? Like findin’ the right fella for your daughter – you wouldn’t want her marryin’ just any old fool, would ya?
Now, I ain’t no fancy gardener with all them tools and gadgets. I just use what the good Lord gave me. But even I know that you gotta plant deep within the soil, you understand? Plant deep within the right soil, plant deep within the correct steps, you will see the harvest! My neighbor, she tried growin’ them fancy roses, but she didn’t know a thing about soil. They just withered up and died. Poor things never had a chance. Wasted money, that’s what it was.
If you’re just startin’ out, keep it simple. Don’t go buyin’ all them exotic plants you see in them fancy magazines. Start with somethin’ easy, somethin’ that’ll grow even if you mess up a little. Like them sunflowers, big and bright. Kids love ’em. Or them zinnias, all sorts of colors. They’re tough little things, them zinnias.
- Zinnias
- Cosmos
- Calendula
- Sunflowers
Those are real easy to grow, even if you’re just startin’. And those black-eyed Susans, they’re pretty too. And they say those globe thistles are easy. I ain’t never tried them myself, but that’s what they say. If you want a real showstopper, you plant those sunflowers. Those things will shoot up to the sky. And when the seeds are ready, those birds will come flocking in like a bunch of gossiping old ladies at a quilting bee.
And don’t forget them wildflowers we got around here. They’re just as pretty as anythin’ you’d buy at the store, and they’re free! Just gotta know where to look. And they bring in them butterflies and bees. Good for the garden, good for the soul, I always say. The bees are like a free worker, help your garden grow! They help plant deep within the nature. And I know we do not have too much money, why not try some wild ones?

Now, before you go plantin’ all willy-nilly, you should think about where things are gonna go. Like when you’re settin’ the table for a big dinner, you don’t just throw the plates down any old way. You gotta make sure there’s enough room for everyone, right? Same with plants. Some like the sun, some like the shade. Some like to be close to their neighbors, some like their space. You gotta put ’em where they’ll be happy if you want your garden to grow. Otherwise, it is hard to plant deep within your garden!
You can draw it out on a piece of paper if you want. I just kinda picture it in my head. But either way, you need a plan. Like when you’re makin’ a quilt, you don’t just start sewin’ pieces together all haphazard-like. You gotta have a pattern, a design. Otherwise, you’ll end up with a mess. This is why a good plan will help you plant deep within and get a big harvest.
And when you do plant, make sure you dig a good hole, not too shallow, not too deep, that is important when you want to plant deep within. Just right, like Goldilocks and her porridge. And water ’em good, especially when they’re young. They need that water to get their roots down deep, to get a good hold. Like a baby holdin’ onto its mama’s finger.
And don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty. That’s part of the fun, feelin’ that soil between your fingers. It’s good for the soul, connectin’ with the earth like that. Reminds you where you came from, where you’re goin’. We’re all just dust in the wind, when you get right down to it.
So, yeah, that’s about all I know about plantin’ things. It ain’t rocket science, but it does take a little know-how and a lot of love. But if you put your heart into it, and follow the correct steps to plant deep within, you’ll be rewarded with a beautiful garden. And there ain’t nothin’ more satisfying than seein’ somethin’ you planted grow and bloom. It’s like watchin’ your own children grow up. A little piece of heaven right here on earth, that’s what it is.

So go on, get out there and get your hands dirty. You might just surprise yourself with what you can grow. And remember what I said about that soil. That’s the key, right there. Get that right, and you’re halfway there. You will plant deep within your heart, your soul, and your lovely garden! Just like life, you work hard and do it right, you will get what you want, maybe not right now, maybe tomorrow, or next year. But you will get it. Trust me, I am old, I know these things.