Okay, so I was scrolling through YouTube the other day, and I kept seeing these ads for Prime drink. You know, the one by Logan Paul and KSI? I got curious. I mean, these guys are huge, so I figured they must be doing something right with their marketing. But what caught my eye was a comment saying they use AI. That got me thinking, “How exactly are they doing that?”

So, I decided to do a little digging of my own. I’m no tech expert, but I know my way around the internet. I started with a simple Google search. I typed in “how is Prime drink using AI”. Nothing really helpful popped up, just a bunch of articles about the drink itself, not much on the AI part. That was a dead end.
Then, I thought, “Maybe it’s on social media?” I went on Twitter and searched for the same thing. Found a few tweets, people talking about it, but nothing concrete, just speculation. Lots of folks are wondering the same thing, but no one seems to know for sure.
Next up, I tried looking at their official website. Scrolled through their pages, checked their marketing materials, but again, nothing about AI, no mention of it anywhere. Maybe I’m not looking in the right place, or it’s not on the website.
After that, I thought, maybe someone made a video about it. I went back to YouTube, searched for videos related to Prime and AI. Found a couple of videos, watched them, but they were mostly just reviews of the drink, no mention of AI. Bummer.
At this point, I was getting a bit frustrated. I even tried looking up some articles on AI in marketing, hoping to find something that could connect the dots. I found some interesting stuff about how companies use AI for personalized ads and things like that, but nothing specific about Prime. It’s all generic info, nothing that really answers my question. One thing I know for sure is that big companies do make use of AI. However, I can not find anything related to Prime.

So, here I am, still wondering. Did I miss something?
- Started with a Google search.
- Checked out Twitter for mentions.
- Looked at the official website.
- Searched for YouTube videos.
- Read some articles on AI in marketing.
My Steps:
I mean, it’s possible they’re using AI behind the scenes, like for analyzing data or something, but they’re not really advertising it. Or maybe the comment I saw was just wrong. Who knows? I guess it remains a mystery for now. If anyone out there has some solid info, hit me up! I’d love to know more. It’s frustrating when you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, right? Anyways, that’s my little adventure for today. It wasn’t as fruitful as I hoped, but hey, that’s how it goes sometimes. Maybe I’ll try to find out more information and do some research later on.