Okay, let’s talk about Greg Pickett. Man, that name takes me back.

I was browsing the web the other day, trying to find some news about racing, and bam, there he was. Greg Pickett’s name popped up, and it made me curious. I mean, the guy’s been around forever, right? So, I started digging.
First, I went through a bunch of articles and news updates about him. Just the basic stuff, you know? His recent races, what he’s been up to. Then I got a little more serious and started looking into his whole career.
Here is what I found:
- He’s been racing for like, six decades. Six! Can you believe that?
- He’s won races in Trans Am Championship in all of those six decades.
- He recently got the pole position in some 2022 Western Championship.
I spent hours just reading about this guy, watching old videos, and checking out photos. I mean, the dedication is insane. It’s not just about being a good driver, it’s about loving the sport so much that you stick with it for that long.
So, yeah, I basically fell down a Greg Pickett rabbit hole. And you know what? It was totally worth it. It’s inspiring to see someone with that kind of passion and longevity in any field. I’ll admit I also made a note to check out more Trans Am Championship races. This trip down memory lane definitely piqued my interest in the sport all over again.

After all of this, I decided to share this with you guys. Maybe you’ll get a kick out of it, too.