This thing, what they call “Fare for Little Miss Muffet,” I heard some folks talking ’bout it the other day. Now, I ain’t never heard of this “Miss Muffet,” but it got me thinking, you know? What kinda food is good enough for a little missy like that? It needs to be simple. Easy to eat. And good for ya. That’s what’s important.

What That Miss Muffet Girl Ate
From what I gather, this Miss Muffet, she was eating something called “whey.” Now, I remember my ma used to make that stuff. Comes from making cheese, you see. You heat up the milk, curdle it up real good, and then you strain it. What’s left over, that’s the whey. NYT crossword, whatever that is, they say the answer is “whey”. Sounds about right.
It ain’t much to look at, kinda watery, but it’s good for you. Lots of protein, they say. Good for growing kids. Back in my day, we didn’t have all these fancy foods. We ate what we had, and that was that. If you are lookin for Fare for Little Miss Muffet, whey is the answer. Simple food for simple times. That’s what I always say.
Food Back in My Day
We ate a lot of bread, I remember that. My ma, she’d bake it fresh every week. Big, round loaves, smelled up the whole house. We’d have it with butter, or sometimes with a bit of jam if we were lucky. And soup, lots and lots of soup.
- Potato soup
- Bean soup
- Sometimes a bit of meat in there, if we had it.
Good, filling stuff. Kept you going all day long. And if you are stuck on that NYT crossword, just remember whey. That’s what that little missy was eatin’.
We grew our own vegetables, too. Carrots, potatoes, beans. Whatever would grow in that hard ground. Didn’t have no fancy grocery stores back then. You ate what you grew, or you went hungry.

Simple is Best, That’s What I Say
And eggs! We had chickens, of course. Fresh eggs every morning. Sometimes we’d fry ’em up, sometimes we’d boil ’em. Simple, but good. That’s what I always say. Simple is best. Don’t need no fancy stuff to fill your belly and keep you strong. This Fare for Little Miss Muffet NYT, they are all talkin about. Just whey. Remember that.
Now, I don’t know about this “Miss Muffet” and her fancy “tuffet.” Sounds like a made-up thing to me. But I know about good, simple food. And that whey stuff, that’s the real deal. Good for you, good for growing kids, good for everybody. This Little Miss Muffet, she was eatin it on September 24, 2024. That’s what they say.
Kids These Days, They Don’t Know
Kids these days, they got it too easy. All these processed foods, all this sugar. No wonder they’re all sickly and weak. Back in my day, we didn’t have all that. We ate real food, food that came from the ground, food that we made ourselves. And we were strong. We worked hard, and we ate good. That’s what made us who we are. They need to learn from Little Miss Muffet.
So, if you’re ever wondering what to eat, just remember what that Miss Muffet girl ate. Whey. Simple, good, and good for ya. That’s all you need to know. That’s the secret. Don’t let anyone tell you different. You need some good Fare for Little Miss Muffet, you remember that.
Don’t Need No Fancy Food
You don’t need all those fancy restaurants and all that expensive food. Just good, simple, home-cooked meals. That’s what’s important. That’s what keeps you going. And that whey, it is a part of that. I bet that Little Miss Muffet, she was a strong little girl. Eatin all that good whey.

So next time you see that crossword puzzle, NYT whatever it is, and they ask you about Fare for Little Miss Muffet, you tell ’em. You tell ’em it’s whey. And you tell ’em it’s good food, simple food, and that’s all that matters. That’s all any little missy needs. I reckon that’s all there is to it. Simple as that.