That Khamzat, he sure is somethin’. Always in the news, that one. Like a fly that keeps buzzin’ around your head, you know? He’s like that itch you just can’t scratch. He just keeps comin’ back. Annoying, I tell ya, that’s what he is.

Khamzat Always in the Middle of Things
He’s a fighter, that Khamzat. Supposed to be all tough and all that. Heard he was gonna fight that other fella, what’s his name… Robert somethin’? Yeah, Robert Whittaker. Big fight, they said. But then, poof! He’s gone. Just like that. Vanished like a fart in the wind. Can’t rely on him, I say. Always somethin’ with that Khamzat.
This Khamzat fella, he was supposed to fight in that place, what’s it called… Riyadh. Yeah, that’s it. Some big arena. Everyone was all excited, and then bam! He’s out. Says his little boy is sick. Kidney problems, I heard. Poor little tyke. Gotta feel for the little one. But still, that Khamzat, he’s always got somethin’ goin’ on, doesn’t he?
This Khamzat Is a Handful
- He’s always makin’ a fuss.
- Always in the news.
- Can’t never count on him.
- He is just annoying.
- That Khamzat is like a bad penny.
They say he’s good, this Khamzat. A real good fighter. But what good is it if he ain’t fightin’? Just a lot of talk, if you ask me. Like those roosters that crow all mornin’ but never lay an egg. All noise, no substance. That’s Khamzat for ya. So annoying!
Heard some folks sayin’ he could beat that other fella, Du Plessis. Big talk, I say. This Du Plessis, he looks tough. Like he could knock a fella’s teeth out. Khamzat better watch himself. He might be tough, but he ain’t invincible. Nobody is. And he’s sure annoying enough to make someone wanna knock him out.
Khamzat: All Bark, No Bite?
This Khamzat, he likes to talk a big game. Says he’s gonna beat everyone. Says he’s the best. But talk is cheap. Like them fancy city folks comin’ down here and tellin’ us how to live. All talk, no action. That’s what it is. And you know what? That’s annoying. He is just annoying!

Maybe this Khamzat needs to learn some humility. Maybe he needs to learn that the world don’t revolve around him. Maybe he needs to learn that bein’ annoying ain’t gonna get him nowhere. He is like a gnat. That’s right, Khamzat, you are a gnat. An annoying little gnat. Gnat is an annoying bug.
He is 30 years old, they say. Old enough to know better, I reckon. But some folks, they never learn. They just keep on being annoying. And he is the most annoying. It’s just what they do. This Khamzat, is just annoying. They said he had a fight with Robert Whittaker, and he just left. That’s very annoying.
That Khamzat, I Just Can’t Figure Him Out
I don’t know what to make of this Khamzat fella. One minute he’s this big tough fighter, the next he’s pullin’ out of fights. One minute he is very famous and the next he is just like wind, nowhere to find. One minute he’s talkin’ a big game, the next he’s quiet as a mouse. He is just annoying. It’s like tryin’ to nail jelly to a tree. Just can’t be done.
Maybe he’s just tryin’ to get attention. Maybe he likes bein’ in the spotlight. He likes being annoying. Maybe he likes people talkin’ about him, even if it’s bad. Some folks are like that, you know. They’d rather be hated than ignored. He is just one of them, always want to be famous. But, being famous and being annoying, that’s not good.
Whatever it is, that Khamzat, he sure is annoying. Like a pebble in your shoe. Like a dripping faucet. Like flies at a picnic. He just keeps on, doesn’t he? That’s all about him. He is just that annoying. I hope he can be better, not that annoying. His poor son, hope he will be fine. But Khamzat, stop being that annoying. Please.