Confused About Sports? Whats the Difference Between NFL and NBA?


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Well, let me tell you, these young folks and their sports, it’s all a muddle to me. But my grandson, he’s always going on about NFL and NBA, and I finally asked him, “What in tarnation is the difference?” He tried to explain, bless his heart, but it’s like trying to teach a pig to sing. Still, I think I got some of it.

Confused About Sports? Whats the Difference Between NFL and NBA?

One’s Got a Ball, the Other’s Got a… Thing

See, this NFL, that’s the football. Big, tough fellas running around, crashing into each other. They gotta move that pointy ball down the field, ten yards at a time, he said. Like moving a stubborn mule, I reckon. And they gotta get it to the end, what’s it called? Endzone? Sounds like where I’ll be soon enough!

Then there’s the NBA. That’s the basketball. They got a round ball, and they bounce it around, throw it to each other. Looks like a bunch of kids playing keep-away to me. And they gotta get that ball in a hoop. Higher up they stand, the more they get, like winning prizes at the county fair. More fun to watch than them football fellas, always falling down and getting hurt.

They Say It’s More Exciting

My grandson, he says this basketball, this NBA, it’s more fun to watch. Says it’s faster, always something happening. Guess that’s true. Football, they stop and start, stop and start. Like an old engine trying to turn over. This basketball, they’re always running, jumping. Keeps you on your toes, I suppose. Like when I was young and chasing the chickens to catch the hens for the stew.

  • Football – NFL – Pointy Ball
  • Basketball – NBA – Round Ball
  • Football – Slow, like me these days
  • Basketball – Fast, like young folks always in a hurry

How to Watch These Young Folks Play

Now, if you wanna watch these games, it’s all on that television. But not the regular channels, no sir. You gotta have these special things, these “streaming” things. He mentioned some names, YouTube TV, Sling TV, something called Hulu and then fuboTV. Sounds like a bunch of gibberish to me. You gotta pay extra for these, of course. Nothing’s free anymore, not even watching a bunch of fellas run around after a ball. It depends on what package you got and you may see FOX, CBS, NBC, ESPN and whatever that means.

Teams and Such

He also said something about these “divisions.” Says it makes it easier to figure out who plays who. I don’t know about all that. Back in my day, we just played whoever was around. Didn’t need no fancy divisions. I only know it’s all about National Football League something like that.

Confused About Sports? Whats the Difference Between NFL and NBA?

This one fella who used to play both, he says they’re real different, this NBA and NFL. Says the teams are different. Whatever that means. They’re all just a bunch of boys playing games, if you ask me. I know they got some rules different, like their field is longer and wider, whatever that means.

Some Rich Fella Owns a Team

And get this, some rich fella, Mark Cuban his name is, he owns one of these basketball teams. Owns a whole team! Can you imagine? Like owning a whole herd of cattle. Must be nice to have that kind of money. I remember one time my husband bet five dollars on a horse race, and I nearly fainted. This Mark Cuban probably wouldn’t even blink at five dollars.

I guess these sports, they’re a big deal to folks, something called brands, even the stars also have their own brands. They talk about it on TV, even on HBO, I think my grandson said. This NFL and NBA, it’s like a whole other world. A world I don’t rightly understand, but it keeps the young folks entertained, I suppose. And that’s something, ain’t it? Like all the other sports, it is just a game.

Well, I reckon that’s all I got to say about this NFL and NBA business. It’s all a bit much for this old lady. I think I’ll go have a cup of tea and watch the birds out the window. Now that’s a sport I understand.


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