2022 Robbery of the Year Award: Craziest Heists Revealed!


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Well, well, well, lookie here, 2022 is gone, and what a year it was! You won’t believe the things people get up to these days. I heard about all these fancy robbery things, people taking what ain’t theirs. So, I thought I’d tell you about some of the big ones, the ones that really got people talking. This is for that 2022 robbery of the year award, you know? It’s like a prize, but for being, well, naughty.

2022 Robbery of the Year Award: Craziest Heists Revealed!

Big Robbery in 2022

Back in my day, folks worked hard for what they got. Now, they just go and take it! And some of them, they get away with it too! It’s a shame, really. Like that robbery in 2022, it is a big one. And there are some other ones before, and they even made it into a movie. Can you imagine?

I heard about this one robbery, I don’t know the place, but it’s really something. They even had guns! Six of ’em, driving off with a whole heap of money. More money than I’ve ever seen in my life! They said it is US$4 million! Imagine that, four big ones!

And get this, some folks are saying this one fella, a young chap, only 35, he was in trouble with money. Owed a lot, they say. So he went and took some, near $165! Now that is another robbery. Not as big as the other one, but still. They say he likes to gamble, that was the problem. Betting on things, losing more than he wins.

  • Gambling is bad, you hear?
  • Don’t take what ain’t yours.
  • Work hard for your money.

It just ain’t right, taking things that don’t belong to you. And in 2022, they did a lot of these things. It is like every day, there is a new one.

Robbery Is Everywhere

It use to be that robbery is big news. But these day, it is just one of those things. Like that one time, in 1972, long time ago, a robbery happens, and people still talk about it. They even make a movie about it. Finding Steve, or something.

2022 Robbery of the Year Award: Craziest Heists Revealed!

They say robbery these days are not like before. Before, in the 90s, they happen a lot in London. Every day, almost. But now, not so much. They say only 58 in 2020. Not a lot, right? But still, 58 is a lot of naughty people.

Then there was this other robbery, in 2024, after 2022, on Easter Sunday. Can you believe it? On Easter! Some people have no shame. They say it was a big one too. People these days, they plan these things real good. They think about it a lot, how to get away with it.

Old Man Robbery

One time, they caught this old man, 77 years old! Can you believe it? 77 and still robbing! They called him Brian. Took them a long time to find him, though. He was the one they were looking for, the big boss of the robbery. What’s the world coming to, when an old man like that is doing such things?

There was also this famous fella, long, long time ago, even before me. He is like the most famous robber man. They called him John, John something. He robbed a lot of banks. That’s what he did. Rob banks. They say he is the most famous one ever.

Top Robbery

I heard there is a list, top five they call it. Five big robbery things. They pick them because they are big, and they have these stories. Exciting, I guess, if you like that sort of thing. One of them is called Plymouth Mail robbery. What is that, you ask? I don’t know. But it must be big, to be on the top five list, right?

2022 Robbery of the Year Award: Craziest Heists Revealed!

People like to read about these things. All these robbery stories. There was one they called the Great Train Robbery. And another one, about a fella named D.B. Cooper. Don’t know who he is, but he must have done something big to get his name in the papers. They say he planned his robbery very good.

So, who gets the 2022 robbery of the year award? Hard to say. So many to choose from! Maybe that one with the six guys and the guns. Or maybe that Easter Sunday one. Or maybe that young fella who owed money. Or that old man Brian. It is hard to pick. But one thing is for sure, 2022 sure had a lot of robbery. People just don’t know how to behave these days. It’s a shame, a real shame. They should just be good, and work hard, like we used to. That’s what I say.


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