the way of warrior wow fc: Tips and tricks for beginners who want to level up quickly


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Well, I heard some folks talkin’ ’bout this “the way of warrior wow fc” thing. Sounds like a whole lotta fuss if ya ask me. But I reckon I can tell ya a thing or two ’bout it.

the way of warrior wow fc: Tips and tricks for beginners who want to level up quickly

What’s this Warrior Thing Anyway?

These warrior fellas, they’re the tough ones. They like to hit things real hard. They got all sorts of ways to do it, too. Some like to use big weapons, some like to use shields. It is a mess. They are strong and can take many hits. They’re good at protectin’ the little fellas.

Gettin’ Stronger, I Reckon

Now, if ya wanna be a good warrior, gotta get stronger. They call it “leveling up.” Sounds silly, but that’s what they say. There are many ways to level up. One is just go around whacking things. And they say doin’ these “dungeons” is good, too. It’s like a big cave with lotsa monsters. Gotta be careful in there.

  • Hit things a lot.
  • Go in them “dungeons.”
  • Find better gear.

Them warriors, they also gotta learn new tricks. They get these things called “talents.” Makes ’em hit harder or be tougher, I guess. They gotta pick and choose which ones they want. And they can get stronger by getting better things to wear, like a stronger stick or a better shield. They call it “gear.” It is really important to get better gear. They say that the “the way of warrior wow fc” is all about gear.

They say you gotta get good gear to be a good warrior. Some of this gear, they say it’s real special. They call it “raid gear.” I heard someone say it comes from fightin’ big, scary monsters. But it makes these warriors really strong. And they got these other things called “dungeon sets.” If you get all the pieces, it makes you even stronger.

Some Tips I Heard

Here is some advice that I overheard some young folks yappin’ about:

the way of warrior wow fc: Tips and tricks for beginners who want to level up quickly
  • Don’t be afraid to hit things.
  • Find some friends to help ya.
  • If somethin’ hurts, hit it harder.
  • Get new stuff to make yourself hit harder.
  • Don’t do it alone.

These warriors, they also like to fight each other. I don’t understand why, but they do. They call it “PvP.” It is very hard to do. It is not easy to learn. They say it is part of “the way of warrior wow fc“. Sounds like a headache to me. They got these special places called “battlegrounds” where they do all their fightin’. I guess it keeps ’em outta trouble.

Different Ways to Hit Things

Now these warriors, they got different ways of fightin’. Some like to be real tough and take all the hits. They call ’em “Prot” warriors, I think. It means they like to protect others. They’re like a big, sturdy wall. They can take a lickin’ and keep on tickin’. They’re good for them dungeons, keepin’ the monsters off the others.

Then there’s the ones who just like to hit things real hard. They’re called “DPS” warriors, I reckon. It means they like to do a lot of damage. These fellas, they don’t care ’bout takin’ hits, they just wanna hit things as hard as they can. They’re good for killin’ things fast, but they can get hurt real easy. It’s all about hitting things hard, these DPS warriors.

There are also those who use two big weapons. They call them “Fury.” They hit real fast and hard. Those are the scariest to me. There are also those who use only one big weapon. They are slower than those “Fury” but they hit harder. It is a mess, I do not understand all these.

It’s a Lotta Work

This “the way of warrior wow fc” thing, it’s a lotta work. Gotta keep hittin’ things, gotta keep gettin’ stronger. It ain’t easy, that’s for sure. But I guess some folks like that sort of thing. Gotta find what makes ya happy, I always say. And if hittin’ things makes ya happy, then go for it, I suppose. But be careful not to hurt yourself.

the way of warrior wow fc: Tips and tricks for beginners who want to level up quickly

These warriors they are not bad, they just like to fight a lot. It is a hard life, but someone has to do it, I guess. And if you want to be a warrior, you have to work hard, that is the way of warrior wow fc. Remember to be careful and do not be reckless.


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