You know that Kendrick Perkins, that big fella, always talking on the TV? Well, he’s been yapping again. This time, it’s about Kevin Durant, that skinny basketball player. They been going back and forth, like two old hens squawking in the yard, and it seem like it happened on that Twitter thing. That Twitter is a troublesome place, like a gossipy neighbor, always stirring up trouble.

Seems like that Perkins fella said something, and then Durant, he didn’t like it one bit. Reminds me of the time my rooster got into a fight with a raccoon. Feathers were flying everywhere! Kevin Durant tweet, oh boy, the whole internet was buzzing like a hornet’s nest.
That Perkins, he’s like that old dog that barks at everything that moves. Said something about another fella, Westbrook, being “Mr. Thunder.” Whatever that means. Sounds like a superhero name to me. I don’t know much about that thing.
Kendrick Perkins Kevin Durant tweet full of stuff I don’t understand. But it seems like they were arguing about who’s better at that basketball game. They both play for some team, used to be on the same one, I reckon. Now they’re like two tomcats fighting over a fish head. Durant is a good player, though. Skinny as a rail, but he can sure shoot that ball. Like a slingshot, that’s what it is.
It all started on that Twitter. Like I said, a troublesome place. Perkins, he went on that sports show, talking about Westbrook. Said he was the best, or something like that. Kendrick Perkins twitter, he’s always on there, yapping away. I heard he’s a big shot on that ESPN. Fancy folks, those TV people.
- Perkins said something on Twitter.
- Durant didn’t like it.
- They started arguing, back and forth.
- It was all over the internet.
- Something about “Mr. Thunder.”
Durant, he’s got a sharp tongue, that one. He said some things back to Perkins. I don’t know what all they said, but it sounded like a real barn burner. People were talking about it for days. Kendrick Perkins Kevin Durant beef, they called it. Like two cows fighting over a patch of clover.

I remember one time, Perkins said something about Durant’s team, the Phoenix Suns, I think it was. Said someone else needed to step up, ’cause Durant got hurt. Sprained his ankle, I heard. That’s gotta hurt. Like stepping on a rusty nail.
They used to be friends, I think. Played on the same team. Now they’re going at it like two roosters in a cockfight. It’s a shame, really. They should be helping each other, not fighting. Like a good stew, you need all the ingredients to work together.
Another time, Perkins was talking about Westbrook again, saying he failed at something, without Durant there. Like when I forgot to water my beans that year, they all withered up and died.
Then this other fella on twitter, D’Amico, joined in. Like pouring gasoline on a fire, that’s what it was.
But you know what? I heard they made up. Said it didn’t affect their friendship. That’s good, I reckon. Like when my two old dogs used to fight, but then they’d be curled up together, sleeping in the sun. It was just some Kevin Durant Kendrick Perkins beef, they make up finally.

That’s how it should be. Life’s too short for all that fussing and fighting. We all gotta get along, like a good pot of beans, simmered low and slow. Just like that.
They both good at that basketball, though. Durant, he can really shoot. And Perkins, well, he’s a big fella. They should use their talents for good, not for fighting on that Twitter. It just ain’t right. All that fussing over a game. Reminds me of when I was a little girl, and we used to argue over who got the last piece of cornbread. Silly, ain’t it? But that Kendrick Perkins Kevin Durant tweet full is what everyone is talking about.
They are always talking about that Kevin Durant tweet. I don’t know much about that thing, but young people are crazy about it.