Okay, let me tell you about this book I just finished. It’s called “Watch Where They Hide” by Tamron Hall. I picked it up because I kinda liked her first book, “As The Wicked Watch,” but honestly, you don’t even need to read that one first. This one stands on its own.

So, the story follows this TV reporter in Chicago, Jordan Manning. She’s all about the crime beat, you know, always chasing the latest scoop. Sounds exciting, right? At the first begining, I took my iPad and started to read. Then, I spent one whole day just reading it. It’s really a good story.
But here’s the thing, it got me thinking about secrets. You know how everyone’s got something they’re hiding? Some little thing, or maybe even a big, huge thing they don’t want anyone to know about? Well, the book kinda made me wonder why we do that. What are we trying to hide? Why do we hide things?
- It’s like, we’re all worried about what people will think, I guess. We skip over stuff, or tweak the truth a little, just so people see us a certain way.
- But then, it’s like, doesn’t that get exhausting? Always pretending, always hiding? I kept thinking and started to search online.
- I searched “psychology” and “the secret”. After reading some pages, I suddenly understood.
Maybe it’s better to just let it all out. I mean, not to everyone, maybe. But to someone. Someone you trust. Just to get it off your chest. I still think about this after finishing the book. It’s really a good book, and it makes me think a lot. I shared it on Facebook and also recommended it to my friends.
Anyway, that’s what I’ve been up to. Reading this book, thinking about secrets, and why we keep them. It’s funny how a simple story can get you thinking about all this stuff, huh? Reading this book is really a good experience. I’ll keep reading and share more next time.