Atlanta Braves Uniforms: A Look at the Teams Classic and Modern Looks


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Man, I’ve always been a huge Braves fan, right? So, the other day, I got this wild hair to dive deep into the history of their uniforms. You wouldn’t believe the rabbit hole I went down!

Atlanta Braves Uniforms: A Look at the Teams Classic and Modern Looks

I started poking around online, just to see what I could find. I figured there’d be a few changes over the years, but wow, was I wrong. It’s a whole saga!

  • First off, I found out that the team moved from Milwaukee to Atlanta in 1966. You’d think they’d have a big uniform reveal for the new city, but nah. They pretty much kept the same look. I guess they figured, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” The only real change was swapping out the old logo for that iconic “A.”
  • Then, in ’68, things got interesting. They went full-on pinstripes! And get this – they ditched almost all the red from the home jerseys. It was a bold move, and I’m still not sure how I feel about it. But hey, they were trying something new, I guess.
  • Fast forward to ’72, and we hit what I think is their most iconic look. It’s the one everyone remembers, you know? That classic design. It became their signature style during that time.
  • The late ’70s got a little weird. From ’76 to ’79, they went through this phase… I don’t even know how to describe it. It was a whole different vibe. Let’s just say it was a product of its time.
  • Then came the ’80s, specifically 1980 to 1986. They had a few tweaks here and there, but I’m just gonna lump it all together. They experimented a lot with their design during this period.

And the changes kept coming! It seems like they were always messing around with the script, the cap, the colors… you name it. I even read somewhere that Nike redesigned them recently for “better performance.” I mean, they’re baseball uniforms, not spacesuits, but okay!

Honestly, the whole thing was way more involved than I expected. It’s like a whole history lesson just in the clothes they wore. I spent hours going through old photos and articles. It’s crazy how much a team’s look can evolve over time. I ended up with a whole bunch of notes and pictures. It might just be the most comprehensive collection of Braves uniform info on my computer, haha!

Anyway, I just wanted to share my little adventure. It was a fun deep dive, and it made me appreciate the Braves’ history even more. Who knew there was so much to learn just from their uniforms? It really is crazy!


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