Well, let me tell you, that Aaron Gordon, that basketball fella, he got bit by a dog. A big ol’ dog, I reckon. Heard it on the news, they said it happened on Christmas Day. Poor fella, Aaron Gordon dogs, that’s what they sayin’. Imagine that, Christmas Day, supposed to be happy and all, and then BAM! Dog bite.

They say he needed a whole bunch of stitches, 21 of ’em! All over his face and his hand, the hand he uses to shoot that basketball. That Aaron Gordon, he plays for the Denver Nuggets, you know. Big team. He’s a good player, too. But now, who knows when he’ll be back. All ’cause of a dog.
Heard it was his own dog, too. A Rottweiler, they say. Big dog, them Rottweilers. He’s had that dog for four years, since it was a little puppy. He got it when it was only six weeks old, the poor little thing. Now look what happened. Aaron Gordon dogs, they sayin’. They don’t bite for nothing. Something must have happened.
It ain’t right, I tell ya. He’s gonna be out for a while, they say. Gotta let them wounds heal up. Twenty-one stitches is a lot. Especially on your face and hand. Poor Aaron. That’s his shootin’ hand, too. How’s he gonna play basketball with his hand all messed up? Dogs, I tell ya, they can be trouble.
- Aaron Gordon, he got bit bad.
- Christmas Day, too, can you believe it?
- 21 stitches, that’s what I heard.
- On his face and his shooting hand.
- It was his own dog, a Rottweiler.
- He won’t be playing basketball for a while.
They say he’s blamin’ himself for it. Maybe he did somethin’ to rile that dog up. Even your own dog can turn on ya. I remember old man Johnson’s dog, bit him right on the leg one time. Nasty bite, it was. That dog, he was okay, but somethin’ just set him off, you know. Maybe that’s what happened to Aaron. Aaron Gordon dogs, it’s a shame.
Heard he travels a lot, Aaron does, because of that basketball. Probably doesn’t get to spend much time with that dog. Maybe the dog was just feelin’ neglected, you know? Animals, they need attention, just like people. Maybe if Aaron was home more, this wouldn’t have happened. But who knows. Dogs can be unpredictable.

They got some fella named Peyton Watson fillin’ in for him. Hope he does alright. It is hard to fill in for someone like Aaron. Big shoes to fill, as they say. But that’s how it goes. One man down, another steps up. Still, it’s a shame about Aaron Gordon. Hope he gets better soon. That’s a lot of stitches.
I seen a picture, someone put it up, before the bite happened. Christmas time picture. Could be the same dog. Not sure though. It is a big dog in the picture. Well, Aaron Gordon dogs, that’s the story. Don’t know what he was thinking. Maybe he didn’t see it coming. A dog that size, you gotta be careful.
I remember one time, two dogs fightin’ in the street. I tried to break it up, pulled ’em apart. They were stuck together, though. Big dogs, too, like 40 or 50 pounds each. It was a mess, I tell ya. Dogs can be vicious, no matter how nice they seem. You gotta be careful around ’em. Even your own.
Now, that Aaron Gordon, he’s gonna be off the team for a while. They don’t even know how long. Just gotta wait and see, I guess. Hope he heals up good. Being bit by a dog, especially your own dog, that’s gotta be rough. And on Christmas, no less! Just terrible. Aaron Gordon dogs, it’s all anyone’s talkin’ about.
Well, I hope that dog’s okay, too. They probably checked him out, made sure he ain’t got rabies or nothin’. You gotta be careful with that. Rabies is bad news. But 21 stitches, that’s just awful. Poor Aaron. And that’s his shootin’ hand, too! He’s gonna be out for who knows how long. That dog, I bet he feels bad, too. They probably don’t mean to do it, most of the time. But still, you gotta watch out. Especially around big dogs like that Rottweiler. Aaron Gordon dogs, what a mess.